Page 25 - Inside Access
P. 25

I’m very vocal, I speak up for myself, I take up space both metaphorically and literally, and I don’t apologise.
Although there have been scenarios when I’ve had to defend others and help them find their voice, not by being mean but merely speaking up.
I teach them to remember this; Your projections on me are your projections, they’re not my reality.
What would your top tips be for young people struggling with body image and low self estee m?
Simply, first of all, relax!
You have so much time ahead of you, you have so much time to be so much more.
Focus on bettering yourself mentally, focus on what it is that you want to achieve.
Spend more time studying people, ideas and things because a lot of these things will change.
We live in such a fast paced world and time is no longer waiting. News that trends in the morning is forgotten by night.
You have to be kind to yourself because when you do that,
you’ll find out that you’re able to get to where you want to go faster.
You must be appreciative of the legs that carry you, the arms that work for you, and the stomach that holds food for you.
if you’re struggling with your body, understand that this body is the only one that you have...
If you’re healthy, that’s a plus, everything else will follow. Also, follow people who inspire you, a lot of people’s hang-ups come from projections of what they see as perfection.
But follow more people that bring you joy, give you peace and cut out the rest of the noise.
What should we expect in the future for Latasha Lagos?
A kick ass collection!
Curvy Monroe will be a year old this month and so we are doing a lot to drive the brand.
I’m starting a new label but I’m keeping that under wraps for now.
Content creation, doing more for the culture, doing more for my community. I just want to keep going and growing bigger,
and bigger and bigger.
Maybe have a baby, I’d love to have my little Duduke moment. Maybe have an online wedding, etc.
But in everything, I just want to make everyone who knows me so proud so they are like- Yes! She did that!
She killed it!
Watch this space for all that Latasha Lagos is set to reveal.

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