Page 24 - Inside Access
P. 24

I’m sure there are aunties and uncles that say things like, have you eaten, you’re too skinny. Body positivity is not just for one set of people, it’s across board.
It’s all about encouraging people to love themselves and who they are in that moment in the skin they occupy.
Body positivity says you cannot merely look at me and think that this is all of me, there’s more
to me than what you see.
I’m allowed to call myself beautiful, I’m allowed to wear nice clothes, I’m allowed to want for myself what any other person of any other size wants. When people talk about loosing weight and betraying their following I don’t think so.
Everybody must do what is best for them, they must not be defined by what others think is best for them.
It is your journey and no body is allowed to take ownership of that journey except you- so at every size you must be allowed TO BE.
Do you ever deal with body shaming, online
or in person, how
do you respond to that? To be honest with you, a lot of that has not come my way but that might be because of the kind of person I am.

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