Page 23 - Inside Access
P. 23

How does it feel knowing that you
gave many of the fashion GREATS their opportunity e.g ASSIAN, THE Style Infidel and Weizdhurm Frankly?
It gives me so much joy, it fills me with pride!
God willing I’ll have children one day but that feeling is like being a mum.
You know when you see someone and you see this acorn of success and greatness.
Being able to have a hand in their story and assist them and give them that nudge is the greatest satisfaction.
I too was pushed by
people, I was assisted by so many people starting up,
it’s amazing to watch them do what they’re doing now and just see them growing and soaring. It makes me very hopeful and I hope that they too will do the same for others.
Describe your style in 3 words?
I would say versatile, I would say bold and also comfortable.
How do you come up with the designs for your brand, ‘THE CURVY MONROE’?
That’s easy I’m a plus size woman, so I know what I don’t have in
my wardrobe, I know what most plus women can’t find, I know a lot of things that look good on
us, on them and on everyone. I also know what ways
I can modify an outfit to accommodate certain body types and proportions.
I use that knowledge to find ways to enhance areas a plus woman may lack.
When plus size influencers choose to loose weight, they end up coming across like they’ve betrayed their fans. Is there a delicate balance between promoting fitness and body positivity?
Ok so first of all, body positivity is not limited to plus size people, it’s people in general, so even if you’re really slim, I’m sure there are parts of you that you don’t appreciate and love and adore every day.

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