Page 7 - Inside Access
P. 7

Running 100KM
Like many stories, this began with once upon a time. It was early this year -earlier than the idea of an impending pandemic; I had just signed into the gym at the ARC – Access Recreation Centre, and there was a report that the gym was going to be closed. The Head Office was being moved to the Access Towers and all other stuff was going too.
This was saddening because I had just begun to recover muscle gains lost during the binges of a typical Detty December. The gym was scheduled to open in two weeks. Two weeks is a lot of time for someone who was working for asummerbody. However,Icouldaffordthewait;summer was still months away. After two weeks, the gym was still closed. Even worse, there was no report about a significant date, and then the lockdown happened.
I tried desperately to hold on to my muscle gains and maintain fitness with bodyweight exercises. But as the months passed, my daily 50 squats gradually reduced to sitting in my car seat and getting up. By this time, I would look at the floor and be scared to do a single push-up. I discovered the push I needed on my WhatsApp status feed, a colleague, Folusho had just run the legendary 200km. Even at the peak of my fitfam journey, I had never liked running. My endurance level for cardio was terrible, however this seemed a worthy challenge except that 200K is intense, so I opted for a 100k. For some reason, in that moment, with the initial ginger, I set the goal.
I was going to start the next month, but how was I going to do this? I was not working from home; I had to be at the office daily (7am – 7pm). I live on the Mainland and work on the Island; the modalities of this do not require an explanation. So how was I going to do this?

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