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My Corona Ramblings
...why you should remain productive
When the lockdown started, I was among the YOLO gang! I was on social media all day. I participated in all the Instagram challenges. I ate like a cow and was so unproductive. Netflix became my best friend and I spent millions (exaggeration makes stories “sweeter”) on data. MTN has finished my savings!
What started out as a 14- day lockdown period has now become the new normal 5
months in.
I started getting
hooked on Instagram motivational speakers who were of the opinion that “its okay to just survive this pandemic, its okay not to learn anything and just focus on yourself and your mental health”. I was in this crazy limbo of “just living” for almost a month until I saw my friend who was obese pre- Covid and was now skinny. She had
achieved something.
I met another friend who resigned from her previous job and was starting afresh at a huge multinational. That was when I realized people were achieving things while I was ‘just surviving ‘.
That afternoon, I downloaded the Duolingo app and started learning
French. I also began exercising and paying attention to my health. The next week, I joined Toastmasters, registered for a professional qualification I had been putting off for a year and deactivated my Instagram profile. I also completed a short course on LinkedIn that was so insightful.
While it’s okay to focus on yourself and ‘just survive’ this pandemic, do remember that some people are “just surviving” and still achieving things. There are a zillion things you can do, and trust me, when the whole pandemic is over (very soon), our lives will never return to business as usual. Only the guys who have added some formofvaluetothemselveswillremain relevant.
So, instead of spending your day reading gossip blogs, tweeting about stamp duty charges, and faffing online, start something. It could even be as mundane as reading a book. Or learning to cook. Trust me, you’re not too old or too big to learn something new.
Tell me, what have you achieved or not achieved during this lockdown? It’s not too late. You can start now. This pandemic will teach many of us to stop making excuses about not having enough time. You don’t have a TIME problem, you have a YOU problem!
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk....*drops mic***
Contributed by
An anonymous happy employee who used to be unproductive!

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