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celebrates outstanding employeeswithin the Bank. This week’s Employee Spotlight is Osatohanmwen Igbinehi, winner of the 2020 Face of Access.
How long have you worked at Access Bank? 2 years and 10 months.
What does your job entail? I work in the Retail Operations Group as an Assistant Branch Manager in Ijeshatedo Branch. I interact with customers and find solutions to their issues, supervise the day-to-day transactions of the tellers and CCOs in the Branch.
What do you like most about your job? I love when I help customers with their transactions, and they are satisfied with the service rendered. I also love interacting with my team members.
What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far? Never stop working on yourself professionally, either by taking professional courses or learning something new about the industry I’m in.
What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this? If I wasn’t in Banking, I’d be a professional dancer.
What do you like to do when you aren’t working? I enjoy dancing a lot and watching Korean series (they are the best).
What’s a fun fact about you many people may not know? I write songs.
What drives you as a person? The pride of my family drives me to succeed and be the best at whatever I do.
Where’s your favorite place in the world? Netherlands. Even though I have not been there before, it’s a
place I would love to travel to and explore.
What is your motto or personal mantra? Be yourself and everything good will come to you.
If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why? Zendaya is my absolute favorite celebrity in the world because of her taste in fashion and the class and confidence which she exudes.
Three words that best describe you:
Enthusiastic, funny, and generous.
What is the one thing, you can’t live without? Honestly, my phone.
What tv show/movie are you ashamed to admit you love? Korean series. I love watching them, I am a K- drama stan.
If you could have any superpower what would it be? Teleportation. I would love to teleport to any place in the world, see different people and cultures.
What is your most embarrassing moment at work? When customers are shouting at me and everybody is watching, I feel like incredibly embarrassed.
If you could change one thing about working here, what would it be? I would love good communication between top management and staff, and opportunities for people to change department.
How do you think you can help the organization achieve its goals through your position? This year, the Bank is focusing on the service rendered to customers and I would gladly join to be a better brand ambassador for the Bank by improving on my service to customers and going the extra mile for customers, not only in my branch but everywhere I find myself.
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