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FOOD FOR THOUGHT Modelling the best,
is a great way to get ahead
Mindset Matters
You've heard of the age-old adage 'mind over matter’ No matter what your business is, the psychology behind it and your own psychology are way more important. Developing the right mindset is 100% necessary for your success. According to Tony Robbins, the plan or awesome concept is simply not enough! As an advocator of the whole mind over matter theory, it's really no surprise that Robbins believes success is down to 80% of the mind and just a mere 20% is down to the idea.
Overcoming the things that scare the hell out of you, having that all- important thick skin and the wanting desperately to achieve all your goals despite the obstacles will help bring you closer to the sweet smell of success.
Food for thought: Focus more on your own mindset and become that person who is hungry for it, otherwise the hungrier ones are always going to come out on top, even though your concept might be better on paper.
Let Failure be a Lesson
When people fail, they often quit or try their hands at some other pipe dream, often failing again having not learned from their previous business mistakes. There have been countless failures in the world of entrepreneurs
that have later become massive entrepre
neurial successes. Walt, Disney was one, as a young man he was fired from a newspaper for not being creative enough, only to then move on to create the most imaginative world of fantasy for young and the young at heart. Steven Spielberg had a similar story. Rejected from a prestigious film school, not once but twice, he soon moved on to become one of the most successful directors ever. Even the multi-millionaire queen of daytime TV, Oprah Winfrey, was fired from her first TV gig as an anchor woman.
Disney once summed up the moral of the story well. "I think it's important to have a good hard failure when you're young because it makes you aware of what can happen to you. Because of it, I've never had any fear in my whole life even when we’ve been near collapse."
Food for thought: Use fear and failure as a motivator; don't let it cripple you. Focus on the wins, and when a critic gives you the feedback to your face instead of behind your back, take it on board and use that to your advantage.
Every single successful entrepreneur
has countless
entrepreneurial lessons to share. One thing they all have in common other than various setbacks along the way is their sheer determination to take risks. Sometimes you have to think from other perspectives and look at the business as a whole without getting too emotionally involved.
Another pondering thought from this is that business success and climbing the career ladder isn't instantaneous. A true businessperson knows this and has the right mindset to tackle every problem along the way. Mind over matter - you never really lose in business; either you kick ass and win or you learn.
Contributed by
Oye Jolaoso
Key business lessons from some of the most successful entrepreneurs

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