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Time-Saving Apps
for Busy Professionals
Who doesn't wish they had 25 hours in a day? An extra hour can make all difference, especially if you are a busy professional. But since we only have 24, the best way to free up some time is to get more done in less time. This is where smartphones come in handy. There are several mobile apps that can help you maximize time, whether while commuting, prepping for a meeting or just organizing your thoughts.
Email Apps
If you do not have an email app, then it is best you get one. It cuts down response time and you're able to get the little stuff out of the way as soon as you can. Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo or whatever email service you use, having the app helps you free up time. Of course, there should be adequate work-life balance when using an email app. The point is you have access to your inbox whenever and wherever.
Mobile Banking Apps
Mobile banking apps definitely save you a lot of stress and time from visiting a branch. With the AccessMore app you can carry out most of your banking transactions from the convenience of your phone. Why go to the bank and join queues when in less than a minute you can: purchase airtime, pay bills, transfer funds, confirm or cancel cheques and check your account balance. This app is a time saver available 24/7.
Document Processing Apps
Everyone is going paperless, more so a document-processing app (think pdf reader, Microsoft office, Google docs etc.) helps you view and review important documents on the go. You do not need to get on a computer to access your documents, it is right there in your palm. How is that for cutting processing time?
Ideas come at the unlikeliest of times. Maybe when you are in the car, or at a restaurant. Eureka moments can be captured with note taking apps. You can scribble crudely on them and organize later. What's more, some have inbuilt reminders and to-do list features, which help you stay sharp and smart. You can start the preparation of a document on a notepad app and transfer to your preferred word processor. ColorNote, Ultimate Notepad, and Keep My Notes are few of the high-ranking notepad apps that can help you stay ahead.

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