Page 8 - Inside Access
P. 8

My Corona Ramblings
....a COVID-19 Scare
I know there are worst things that could happen than testing positive for COVID-19, but still, what an unpleasant awakening that would be.
I have been one of the most careful people during the course of this pandemic. I've been staying indoors, only go out when it's extremely important or if there's free food involved in the outing sha.
The whole world now knows my ATM pin, (I do not advise you to share your personal banking information with anyone) but I refuse to touch the POS machines in the grocery store. I even have an alarm that beeps every 10minutes to remind me to wash my hands. So, why all of a sudden was my chest aching? Me? The hand sanitizer and face mask master? This had to be a ‘mala-joke’.
I googled symptoms of COVID-19 and saw something called ‘conjunctivitis’. I googled that, and saw itchy eyes were a symptom, (mogbe! The last time I travelled out of Africa was two years ago and now a virus from ‘abroad’ has caught me). My eyes had been itching all week. Although my sense of smell
and taste was still great, I was scared.
That night, I went to the kitchen to pack some snacks, a plate and cup and locked the door to my room. I began my self-isolation with one week supply of food.
In the morning, my mom came to my room as usual and I told her I was self- isolating. My mother almost broke down my door (Nigerian mothers... smh) She gave me a bottle of anointing oil to drink and all types of vitamins. She also made me the popular ginger and lime mix (eeew). I drank it all in fear.
One day later, all the symptoms were gone and needless to say, it was all in my head and just my mind playing tricks on me (I think).
I never got tested or ever had the intention to because from the pictures I'd seen of the isolation centers, I knew I wouldn't last a week in there. But then, thank God I'm fine.
What that scare taught me was to never be complacent with safety precautions, value life more and understand that your life could change
in an instant. I've been at home for weeks now, living each day at a time.
I learned that tomorrow is not promised and to enjoy and value the life we have. The biggest lesson of all was to let go of all the grudges I have in my heart because in that moment I thought I had contracted the virus, nothing else mattered. In that moment, I wished I had hugged my friends tighter when I had the chance and said “I love you” more to my family members. All I had were regrets.
It made me somewhat understand the angst people have experienced due to the pandemic. To all those who have tested positive, lost a family member or know anyone who is positive, I somewhat understand your pain and pray for strength to get through this trying period.
S T R O N G !
Contributed by
An anonymous happy employee who almost tested positive for COVID-19

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